EduagentCRM – The Perfect Education Agent CRM For You

Full Demo – 2023

Self Service Demo v2.23 (2023)

Overall System Demo

Length 54.57 Minutes

This breakdown covers the comprehensive demonstration of the EduagentCRM platform, focusing on its extensive functionalities from lead management to detailed application processing and partner management.

It concludes with insights into reporting, analytics, and future platform enhancements and customisation considerations.

Summary Of What Is Included In the Video

Introduction and Overview (0:02 – 1:09)

  • 0:02 – Introduction to EduAgent CRM and its purpose
  • 0:29 – Background on the company and its mission
  • 1:11 – Overview of products offered by the company

Product and Market Focus (1:11 – 2:19)

  • 1:11 – Brief introduction to other products offered by the Action Starter
  • 2:04 – Usage statistics and scale of the products

Client and Impact Demonstration (2:19 – 3:05)

  • 2:19 – Examples of different types of clients and their applications
  • 3:05 – Historical background of the platform’s development

Product Evolution and Adaptation (3:05 – 5:20)

  • 3:05 – Initial development and shifts in market focus
  • 4:35 – Introduction of EduAgent and its evolution
  • 5:20 – Rationale behind the product’s current form and its focus on agent needs

Core Features and Benefits (5:20 – 7:58)

  • 5:20 – Key features introduced with EduAgentCRM (Base)
  • 7:26 – Discussion on communication, workflow, and visibility enhancements

Target Audience and Customisation (7:58 – 9:30)

  • 7:58 – Identification of different user groups and their needs
  • 9:09 – Services offered and the comprehensive support

Advanced Features and Integration (9:30 – 11:13)

  • 9:30 – Integration and automation capabilities for large agencies
  • 11:03 – Discussion on the problem-solving aspect of the CRM and partner management

Beginning of Product Demonstration (11:13 – 15:24)

  • 11:13 – Introduction to the key features focused on communication, workflow, and visibility.
  • 12:27 – Confirmation of understanding and transition into the detailed product walkthrough.

Enquiry and Lead Management (15:24 – 20:07)

  • 15:24 – Explanation on creating and managing lead forms for efficient data collection.
  • 18:03 – Details on customising and embedding enquiry forms on websites for data input.
  • 19:15 – Discussion on automated responses to enquiries for immediate engagement.

Candidate Communication and Management (20:07 – 27:06)

  • 20:07 – Overview of initial lead communication and counselling processes.
  • 22:05 – Utilisation of canned messages and templates for streamlined communication.
  • 23:01 – Transition from enquiries to candidates and detailed management of applications.
  • 25:07 – Handling duplicate entries and ensuring efficient application processing.

Application Processing and Tracking (27:06 – 34:02)

  • 27:06 – Discussion on the versatility and user-centric design of the platform for application management.
  • 29:06 – Features for managing applications, including status updates and document uploads.
  • 31:08 – In-depth look at the functionality for detailed application tracking and updating.

Partner and University Management (34:02 – 39:16)

  • 34:02 – Introduction to managing partner relationships and their importance.
  • 36:03 – How conditional offers are managed and communicated with the candidates.
  • 37:11 – Options for notification customisation based on user preference.

Reporting, Analytics, and Future Planning (39:16 – End)

  • 39:16 – Capabilities for generating reports and analytics for informed decision-making.
  • 41:32—Discuss the platform’s flexibility to adapt to future needs, including invoicing and financial tracking.
  • 43:51 – User roles and access control overview, particularly for sub-agents.
  • 46:22 – Final Q&A covering various topics from invoicing to data export and student enrolment tracking.

Background to EduAgent CRM

Listen to the back story behind EduagentCRM and some of the key principles behind its design.

Date of recording: May 2020

Length 16.51 Minutes

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